Tuesday, August 29, 2006

35 weeks

That's me today. Wow. Time is flying by, for sure. FLYING by.

Going to NST's twice a week. The good part about that is I get to lay down for 30-45 minutes.. YAY. LOL. It's also kind of fun to hear him moving around on the doppler that's place on you for that entire time. He still can move and I don't really feel him, weird.

Last ultrasound (last Thursday) showed him to be about 4lb 10 oz. He's growing just fine, thank you very much. He also measured right on for his size/due date.

I am SOOOO tired of people saying "you are so small". Grrrr. Everything you can objectively measure me by is right exactly on dates. I keep getting the implication with the "you're so small" comments that "you're not gaining enough to sustain that other life"". I know that most are not saying that, but that is how I feel at times. Yet another thing I'll put on my list of things not to say to people.

Near us, about 8-10 miles away, last Thursday were tornadoes. They estimate one of them to have been about 1/2 mile wide. A friend of mine was watching it (yeah, I know, she should have been in her basement) and saw 4 smaller ones sprout from the large one. One person died, many lost their houses.

There was also a dairy farmer who lost about 200 head of cattle when his 4 barns were destroyed. I heard that it was like a war zone where those poor cows were :(

Our new weather radio, however, works GREAT! It gave us the heads up on the tornado warning (where we live, we would never hear the sirens in town).


Teendoc said...

See. You were so convinced that you would never get here. I'm thrilled for you!

NatD said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're doing well and that the baby is growing right on target!

He'll be here before you know it! ;)

Portlairge said...

Five weeks to go Kellie. It will be here in no time. Glad everything is going well.

charlie's mom said...

I just got a "you're so big you must be carrying twins" comment. Why is it OK to comment on one's size while PG?

I'm glad the tornados missed you. Scary!

Kellie said...

FQ, I have no idea why it is "ok" to comment on a pregnant woman's size. It's crazy!