We went to the RE's yesterday for our follow up visit. Of course it involved the dildocam/cootercam or whatever term you prefer.
We saw that BabyA had grown since we saw him/her on Monday. HB still strong. Just a little alien peanut there.
Baby B appeared to not have a hb at this time. So I think we can safely assume that there is only the possibility for one. I am sad, yet relieved that so far BabyA is still truckin' along without a problem.
The RE said that this is what they call a vanishing twin. There is typically not a lot of miscarriage like bleeding, that the growing baby kind of pushes the other baby out of the way until there is no more room.
I'm sure my OB will continue to check me with ultrasounds fairly frequently to make sure that there is no problems with BabyA.
The RE has released me from his care. I am to stop the progesterone on Tuesday (Monday being the last dose) and stop the estrogen also. Kind of freaky to just stop it cold turkey, but they do this all the time and have no problems.
I am currently 8w3d (they stop the meds at 9 weeks).
Oh, yeah, I'm spotting again >:(
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