Well, so far, so good. No further spotting (knock on wood). I am scared to say that because I fear something bad will happen. Like the gods of pregnancy will be looking and saying, look at that smug bitch, we'll get her. (some credit has to go to Liana, I believe she said similar things). That doesn't change feeling that way, ya know?
NBHHY. I'm just waiting for it.
The other thing is the feeling of what do I do now? I don't feel like I really belong anywhere. As I am pg, I am not currently IF (or am I?). I, however, do not feel really like I belong with those who are pg.
There is also the guilt. Guilt for those who are still trying. It seems so unfair that there are so many wonderful women who are trying so hard, and have not yet achieved a pg that hangs around.
Of course, I still don't feel that this is really real. I don't really have any morning sickness, but do feel a little "blah". I am tired all the time. However, I tend to wake up around 3am then about every hour or half-hour until I get up at 7 or so (weekend) or 6 during the week.
So I'll go back to NBHHY and just hope.
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